What is hipix?

hipix is a smart US patented technology, which revolutionizes still-pictures experience while enabling FULL RESOLUTION sharing of UNCOMPROMIZED QUALITY RICH MEDIA images and pictures for various markets: Medical, Seismic, Desktop Publishing, HLS, and through all existing SOCIAL NETWORKS, EMAIL, and FILE SHARING SERVICES.

hipix enables compressing the large JPEG files (like today’s histopathology images of Gigapixels and smartphones cameras of 48MP and 108MP) to half their file size without compromising the quality. It also enables the display of such pictures in full resolution on standard smartphones screens!

hipix current implementation utilizes sophisticated utilization of High-Profile H.264/AVC layered Intra coding, which is supported by almost every SmartPhone, Smart TV-Set or PC.

Left: Source file Right: hipix file (40% of the source file)

hipix enables displaying Gigapixel pictures on standard Android and iOS Smartphone.

hipix allows encapsulating multiple text/audio/url/contact and even video tags in still pictures.

In some cases hipix even enhances the subjective quality of Smartphone pictures, while reducing their file size to less than half the original size!

Shrink your 48MP & 108MP photos with hipix!

Xiaomi 108MP picture of 16.6MB below a 800×600 detail extract is compared with a reconstructed hipix picture of 6.55MB (40% the size of the original JPEG).

800×600 pixels detail: Left – 16.6MB JPEG, Right – 6.55MB hipix